+260 957 555 511
Our Services
Registration of youth organisations
We are mandated by Law to register all youth organisations in Zambia. Our registration is legally recognised within and outside Zambia as it is backed by law. It is a requirement for all youth organisations to register with us regardless of the other registering authorised agencies/ bodies they may already be registered with. For more information on how to register click on Registration Tab.
Capacity building of youth organisations
We provide capacity Building and trainings for NYDC registered organisations. Our capacity building is meant to strengthen the programming and operational capacities of youth organisations in Zambia. To this effect we focus our trainings on leadership and governance, resource mobilisation and networking, advocacy and lobbying, entrepreneurship among others. To know more about our capacity building sessions, get in touch with us by click on Contact Tab
Grant making
Where funds are available, we provide funding to youth organisations registered with us and whose records are fully up to date. Our grants focus on various themes depending on the funding window open.